Spiritual Coaching and Counseling, Feng Shui Enhancements, Personalized Affirmations and Visualizations, Crystal Meditations, Reiki Treatments, Astrological and Tarot Consultations, and workshops with Wendy Spiller and/or Life Loves You, LLC are given for the sole purpose of self enhancement and education and are not intended to be medical or psychotherapeutic in nature. Wendy Spiller and/or Life Loves You, LLC do not make any sort of guarantees, predictions, or promises, nor give financial or legal advice, nor prescribe or perform medical treatments, nor prescribe substances, nor interfere with treatment of a licensed medical professional. It is recommended that one see a licensed health care professional for any physical and/or psychological ailment that one may have. In the event that you use any of the information shared by Wendy Spiller and/or Life Loves You, LLC, which is your constitutional right, Wendy Spiller and Life Loves You, LLC assume no liability or responsibility for your actions.