Besides being absolutely gorgeous, you are the dearest, sweetest woman in the world. Your warm and giving heart are a joy to behold and experience.
I am aware of all the time and loving effort you put into my visit and I want you to know I appreciate it. I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love the delicious, joyous meals we had together and just getting to know you better.
I shall treasure this incredible crystal, it has so many stories to tell and will grace my new home in a very special place. I would like to know what it is called and anything you know about its history and or make up.
The crystal chakra clearing treatment remains with me as a special experience.
I send you both love and joy.
Life is good! All is well! And so it is!!! ”
— Lulu
“Wendy Spiller has been a consistent ray of light in my life for over fifteen years. She is my go to source of guidance for any of life’s challenges that I desire clarity on... I always leave her sessions feeling lighter, clearer, and excited for what the future holds. The wisdom that I have learned from Wendy is always with me and my life continues to be blessed because of it. Her refreshingly spirited way of living her own life is a true inspiration. I am so grateful to know her!
I love you!!! ❤️💕😘 ”
— Tara Mercurio, Founder of One Moon
“Wendy Spiller is a spiritual goddess! She exudes compassion, warmth and loving vibrations to everyone she comes in contact with. After I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Wendy performed crystal meditation for me and sent me home with affirmations that continue to inspire me and move me forward every day into life with meaning, faith and encouragement. Since my session with Wendy I have experienced such peace and joy with a serenity it is hard to describe. I encourage anyone and everyone who reads this to have an experience with her... that will never be forgotten!”
— Benita Karroll - Founder, Moondance Events & Entertainment
“Before I met Wendy, I was having a nervous breakdown. I had left my job, my girlfriend, and my condo (basically my entire life) to pursue what everyone - including myself - thought was a career suicide - to become an actor.
When I met Wendy, I didn’t have a job, I couldn’t get a date, and I was close to broke. Because of Wendy’s advice, wisdom, and insight, I’ve completely turned my life around.
Since I’ve been working with her, my career as an actor/producer has taken off, I’m dating like never before, and I’m making more money than I have in my life. I credit Wendy Spiller, and her brilliant ability to make you believe in yourself for this remarkable turnaround.”
— Will Tiao - President, Formosa Films
“Wendy Spiller helped change my life. For many years now I go see her when life feels overwhelming and confusing. I walk into her divine office feeling like a failed mess and leave feeling like I lost 25 lbs and grew wings. Her powers are difficult to describe but I strongly suggest to everyone - male or female - right brained or left brained - that you go experience Wendy’s love and magic for yourselves. She is a talented coach... intuitive, creative, energetic, patient, non-judgmental, and smartly sneaky about how she gets us to shed our skin. I tell all my friends... and now I am telling you. Just make an appointment, go see her, and what you giver her will fall back into your lap tenfold in the near future.”
— Brie Childers - Photographer & Wendy's Biggest Fan
“I have been working with Wendy Spiller since 2001 and she has my highest possible recommendation. I first came across Louse Hay’s “You Can heal your life” when living in Sydney, Australia in 1988. It was my search for a coach who understood these teachings that led me to Wendy. Since working with Wendy my life has expanded in so many wonderful ways. I am one of her success stories.
When I met Wendy I didn’t know it, but I was living in fear and my life and the people around me reflected that. I was single, broke, in bad health and at the end of my mental and physical stamina, despite my talents. Now, my life gets better every day – I am married, physically strong, working in my chosen field of acting in filmmaking and a new Homecomer in coastal California.
There seems to be a resistance that we all face to “cleaning out your mind”. We work so hard on our bodies and physical appearance, but often the mind is left to run amuck. Why don’t we clean out our minds and discard the thoughts that no longer serve us - often it’s not easy to do alone. It requires the help of a patient, compassionate and wise coach. Wendy Spiller. Take it from me, if you’re not getting what you want out of life, Wendy can help you re-plumb your mind!”
— Victoria Charters - Actress/Producer
“Make no mistake - Wendy Spiller changed my life. I would not have known during the five years we worked together just how this loving woman sharing her simple yet deeply transformative process with me would integrate into my being and in fact change the wau I live my life - oerspective, attitude, and behavior. The rewards of my ongoing transformation are plentiful - including the partnership of my dream (literally), spiritual/emotional growth, continued abundance, and best of all - total inner freedom. My recommendation of Wendy comes from the bottom of my heart and stretches to the depths of limitless expressions.”
“To enjoy more Love and Happiness talk to Wendy ....Wendy is excellent in her work
I have been able to consistently work as an Artist, Musician and more because of her amazing ability to share with me how to increase my ability to love my life and all it offers. ”
— JV Smith
“Ms. Wendy Spiller changed my life. I owned a metaphysical bookstore and healing center for 12 years and so I have worked with many healing practitioners and counselors over the years. Each of them helped me on my spiritual and practical path for living; however Wendy has the most eclectic “tool kit” of anyone I’ve seen. In just a few sessions she was able to “re-balance” my healthy body, using her crystals, heling me to change some old ideas and stay healthy. She gave me Astrological and practical guidance which enriched my life and my marriage.
Her expertise and thorough understanding of Feng Shui allowed her to give me suggestions, which allowed me to make a few minor changes in my home and both of my retail stores which stimulated some new abundance for me and my company. I have participated and observed classes that Wendy instructed at one of my stores; she is a delightful and accessible teacher with great command of her subject matter. In general, working with Wendy over these last several years has been tremendously empowering to me on a personal and business level. I appreciate her availability and focus on whenever I need a quick phone check-in; her wisdom is always right on for me. I must also giver her GREAT CREDIT for helping me to end a lifetime habit of being late with one joyful new affirmation... how simple life can be. Thank you Wendy! Yes, I know life does love me.”
— Judy Levy-Dawson - President, Imagine Love Inc.
“I went to Wendy, thinking I was going to see a psychic, what a shock!! She is this and so much more... If you are seeking help, in any are of your life; Love, career, money, purpose, contentment etc... Wendy is your answer!!
She is not one thing to many people, she is many things to one person — that person is you!”
— Michaela Morgan - Actress/Producer
“I have worked with some of the greatest talents and powerhouse leaders in the field of astrology, spirituality and life-work, and bar none, Wendy Spiller trumps them all. Her unselfish desire to make the world a better place is not only her gift to the world, but also her destiny. If your quest as a human being is to be even one percent “better” seek out Wendy. You deserve it.”