Ready to love yourself and love your life?
You're at the perfect place, at the perfect time - I am ready to guide you.
❤ One to one empowerment sessions
❤ How to thrive as an artist
❤ How to attract your soulmate
❤ How to be peaceful and happy
❤ How to love your body
❤ How to be successful
❤ Angel communication
❤ Crystal layouts and meditations
❤ Personalized meditations
❤ Personalized visualizations
❤ Personalized affirmation candles
❤ Daily spiritual practices
❤ Tarot card readings
❤ Astrological readings
❤ Feng Shui
❤ Reiki

Wendy's Videos on Life and Love

My Approach to Being Your Spiritual Coach
As your Spiritual Coach, first of all, I will do everything in my power to help you feel safe, supported, & respected. Your feelings & thoughts will be validated. Then, when you are 100% ready, we will dive into the joyous waters of changing your life for the better in fun & safe ways.You will be empowered. You will trust that there is a loving power that created all good and beautiful things in the universe & you are one with this infinite power. We will connect you to that power in ways that are appropriate for your personality and belief systems and then I will give you ways to use that power to create what your heart desires in your life. After my clients leave my office, they feel as if they have received a Spiritual Lift. They always look more beautiful & radiant, sound more confident, & feel happy & serene. I am delighted to be your Spiritual Coach.
- Wendy Riese
Available For
❤ Private Coaching
❤ Family Coaching
❤ Seminars
❤ Love Relationship Coaching

"I Love You & So Do You"

Wendylogan Blog

Events By Wendylogan